Unveiling the Latest Features: Elevating Your Task Management Experience

In our relentless pursuit of enhancing your task management experience, we're thrilled to introduce several exciting features that are set to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. These enhancements, born out of your valuable feedback and our commitment to excellence, are designed to make your life easier and your work more efficient.

1. Project Archiving: A Neat Finish for Completed Projects

Have you ever wished to tidy up your workspace by stowing away completed projects? Now you can! Once your project's goals and tasks have been triumphantly checked off, it's time to put them out of sight and out of mind, but only until you need to revisit or review them. To access this feature, simply click on the ellipse menu beside your project. To view and/or restore the project you can re-access it from the 'Archived' tab in the top left corner of the Projects main screen. A few additional notes on archiving projects:

  • Archived projects will retain the same privacy permissions they did when active

  • Archived projects will move the tasks associated with the archived project

  • Archived projects tasks will retain the status of the task when it was archived (open, completed, snoozed).

  • When a project is in archive, no edits are able to be made to the task. It must be unarchived to make changes to the project/tasks within it.

  • Archived projects can be deleted

  • Tasks within archived projects can be deleted

  • Projects are able to be unarchived/restored from the archived tab. If a project is unarchived:

    • The project retains all privacy settings & moves back into the “Projects tab”

    • The state of all tasks is restored to the state it was in when it was archived

  • When a project is archived, the chat remains open. The chat will be archived 2 weeks after the project has been archived

2. Snoozing Tasks: Your Personal Task Time Machine

Imagine having the power to make tasks disappear temporarily until you're ready to tackle them. Well, now you can! While some lucky beta users have enjoyed this feature for a while, we're excited to announce that it's now available for everyone. To snooze a task, hover over it in the default task view, select the date you want it to reappear, and voilà! Alternatively, you can also snooze a task from the 'triple dot' menu within the task's chat. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to focused task management.

3. New Tasks Badge: Staying in the Loop, Effortlessly

We believe keeping you informed about what's new and actionable is a key part of our job. To make sure you never miss a beat, we've introduced the green 'New Tasks Badge.' This unobtrusive yet effective badge will catch your eye whenever new tasks from Flows or tasks assigned by others land in your task list. It's your instant notification that there's fresh work waiting for you, so you can stay on top of your responsibilities.

With these new features, we're not just making task management more efficient; we're also making it more intuitive and personalized to your needs. We're committed to creating a workspace that empowers you to do your best work, and these enhancements are just the beginning.

We're excited to see how these features transform your task management experience. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to let us know how these updates are working for you. Stay tuned for more exciting developments on the horizon as we continue to refine and improve your task management toolkit.


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