Navgar’s Revamped Task Module Will Make You Feel Like a Rock Star

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness Navgar's latest innovation - a task module that's as exciting as being a rock star and owning the stage. Picture this: a hyper-organized, seamlessly efficient task management system designed to elevate your productivity, and incredible control over visibility to the work you are involved in. It really is the task management system with the rhythm I would have loved to have had in my last gig. Don’t believe me? Then read the reviews others internal to Navgar have said about Tasks.

"For the first time I feel like I can actually address my monstrous task list by dissecting it and deciding when to do what. I am in control!" - Jose, CEO and Lead Singer

Uncertain about what to tackle next? No problem, Navgar has me covered. And the sheer joy of tidying up my inbox, allowing me to concentrate on what truly matters — pure bliss!” - Juan, Developer and Guitarist

Navgar's task manager makes me feel smart and organized. I had a lot of trouble trying to manage my days and weeks, not anymore!” - Raphael, Developer and Guitar Solo Shredder

With Navgar, forget about post-its and never miss an appointment due to forgetfulness again. Stay organized and in control of your tasks with ease.” - Gabi, Developer and Bassist

Chasing my todo list was my biggest chore, but with Navgar I've turned my juggling act into a zen garden.” - Tanner, QA and Drummer

Okay, clearly we have some biases but our shared enthusiasm is not without good reason. What makes Navgar’s tasks so great? Read on…

Imagine your tasks harmonized into distinct sections, each with a purposeful role in your daily grind. We have introduced an Inbox, where your fresh (or sometimes for the unprocessed, not so fresh) tasks await your attention. The Today section keeps you focused on immediate priorities, while the Upcoming tab ensures you're ready for what's next on deck. The Someday category is the perfect home for the “forget me not but forget me now” tasks and aspirational chart topping goals, waiting for the next horizon. The Snoozed section lets you gracefully defer tasks for a more convenient time, and view them at a glance. With the To Others and All Tasks sections, collaboration and a comprehensive overview of your workload and the workload you place on others have never been easier.

Bid farewell to the cumbersome days of endless clicks and intricate studio maneuvers, we’re taking it live. Navgar's new Tasks brings you the power of drag and drop functionality. Simply grab a task and effortlessly drop it into the section where it belongs. It's an intuitive experience that empowers you to organize your responsibilities with the flick of a wrist, making task management a feel-good riff you can repeat.

Customization is key, and Navgar understands that. The revamped task module allows you to filter, sort, and navigate your tasks based on your preferences. Tailored to suit different views, these filters enable you to zero in on what matters most. Whether it's managing your Inbox, prioritizing tasks by due dates (be it overdue, due today, or due tomorrow), or choosing specific dates, Navgar's filters offer unparalleled flexibility. Categorize tasks by type - be it standalone tasks, project tasks, or flow tasks. The Assigned by Others filter ensures you stay on top of tasks originating from those counting on you to perform them, All Sources allows you to narrow down the sources of origination of your tasks, like Flow templates, Navgar, WhatsApp, or SMS. The ability to filter by projects, snoozed tasks, or those delegated to others further streamlines your task management process. You can even filter by Tags [mic drop].

Yes, Navgar now allows you to go solo and create tags for your tasks and maintain personal organization in a manner that makes sense for you. Just hover over any task and it will provide you the option to apply one or multiple tags, should you so choose. You can even apply tags to tasks others assigned to you as they will remain private and bootleg proof.

With Navgar's extensive filter options, you can effortlessly customize your view, enhancing overall efficiency and organization. As for sorting: Whether you prefer alphabetical order, due dates, or project-wise arrangements, Navgar puts you in control and able to bulk action them when you need to haul things around or need just a little more cowbell.

In the hustle and bustle of the rock star life, forgetting important details is all too common. Not anymore. Navgar's new task module comes equipped with a new yet highly robust Reminder feature for things other than set tasks. Set due dates and receive timely nudges, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. It's the best personal assistant ever and won’t stop you from destroying your hotel room while on tour.

Navgar's commitment to revolutionizing your productivity journey is evident in every facet of the revamped task module. From streamlined sections to intuitive drag-and-drop functions, sorting options, personalized filters, tags, and friendly reminders - this update is a testament to Navgar's dedication to enhancing your work/rock star life.

It's your workspace, organized your way. With a few clicks, you can transform your chaos into clarity, making your personal workflow more focused and efficient. It's not just task management; it's a performance that will leave you and your team cheering for an encore. Get ready to take a bow, for Navgar has just unleashed a masterpiece! 🎸🌟


Going with the Flow Part II: The Devil in The Details


Going with the Flow Part I: The Scary Big Picture