Forms Add Function to Your Flows

Navgar Flows aren't just about taking action; they're about the entire context surrounding those actions and the valuable information gathered from the key participants. One powerful tool within the Navgar platform that facilitates this information gathering is Navgar's Forms feature.

Consider this scenario: You have a Navgar Flow dedicated to gathering feedback from your customers about a new feature. You've decided to streamline this process by using a form for the task of conducting personal interviews. This ensures that the questions asked are uniform and comprehensive, making it easier to analyze the responses later on.

To set up a form within your Navgar Flow, simply select the "Add Form" icon. This action will redirect you to the "Build your form" page. Here, you can customize the form to suit your needs. You have the flexibility to choose different information input types, with the default being short-answer. Additionally, you can type in your request and add new fields for any additional information you require.

Once you've designed your form, you have several options available. You can cancel the setup altogether, delete it if it was a previously saved instance, or save the form to the task within your Flow.

Once your Flow is launched, recipients assigned to the task will see the form icon instead of the usual option to mark the task as complete. Upon opening the task, they will be presented with the questions to be completed.

Once respondents have answered the questions and submitted the form, the information collected will seamlessly appear in the Flow Chat. This integration ensures that all relevant data is readily available within the context of your Navgar Flow, allowing for efficient collaboration and decision-making processes.

Incorporating Forms into your Navgar Flows empowers you to gather essential information from participants at the right time, streamlining your workflows and enhancing productivity across your organization. With this powerful feature, Navgar continues to be a versatile platform tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.


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