Customer Profile: Tom the Offloader

Tom is an entrepreneur who is always juggling multiple projects at once. He has a million ideas running through his head all the time, and he used to solely rely on his memory to keep track of everything. But as one of his ideas took off (by order of sheer volume, the laws of odds dictated one or more would) and his business started to grow, he realized that he needed a better system for managing his tasks and ideas. He tried other productivity apps, but they always seemed too complicated or too time-consuming to set up...or they didn’t hold his attention, which does tend to wander.

Sitting down with Tom one afternoon packed the contents of a normal week for me. He talked about his business, the restaurant we were at, the parking situation, and a new Netflix series I hadn’t yet heard of. All in under five minutes. So what about Navgar?

“Navgar was different from the others I tried. It was simple, intuitive, and let me get my ideas out of my head and into the tool in rapid succession. Do you want more tea?” It’s true: If you have a lot of tasks you want to enter quickly and even distribute their assignment, you’d be hard pressed to find a tool that allows a faster transmission from its main interface than Navgar does. Even more impressive - Navgar allows you to move those ideas and tasks without even opening the application. You can use SMS, Whatsapp, and our desktop command bar for entries with greater ease and speed than any other tool on the market, no matter where you are.

Tom described the feeling of relief he got when he could quickly add something to his to-do list and forget about it. He no longer had to worry about forgetting something important or losing track of his priorities. Instead, he could focus on the task at hand, knowing that everything else was safely stored in his task management tool.

Of course, there were some challenges. Tom has noticed that he has started to accumulate long lists of tasks, and this was causing him some anxiety. He was worried that he would never be able to get everything done, and he found himself getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on his to-do list. We recognized early this would be a problem for users like Tom and are quickly developing a snooze function that will allow him to temporarily hide a task from his to-do list, and then bring it back later when he is ready to work on it.

Snooze will be a game-changer for a man who apparently doesn’t sleep. He puts Navgar to work for everything in his life, not just his business. He uses it to manage his personal tasks, his family commitments, and even his hobbies. And he’s found that the more he uses the tool, the more relaxed he feels. By offloading his tasks and ideas onto the tool, he is able to clear his mind and focus on what really matters.


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