An Introductory Review of Navgar App from a Completely Unbiased Perspective (the Operations Raconteur)

I once attended a software company’s hosted event, where they announced that year’s new features and the usual marketing fluff to accompany it. While the new modules and promised benefits now elude me (suggesting I never benefited from them as promised…), the words of the slightly tipsy COO as a candid aside really stuck with me: “95% of the work that each of the companies represented here does is exactly the same. And behind the façade of every one of them is some degree of chaos. The only difference that exists among them is profitability which sets the tolerance level for chaos.” 

In its simplest form, Operations is the art of taming chaos and the challenges of assignment and coordination of work is an essential part of any business, whether you're a part of a small team or a large corporation. Managing tasks can be a challenging task in itself, and without the proper tools and systems in place, things can quickly become chaotic. Enter Navgar.

As Head of our Operations, you could say that I am the first customer (or lab rat if you prefer) of the Navgar application, our cloud-based platform providing a comprehensive set of tools for task management, projects, and our showstopper - a workflow builder that is both incredibly simple but provides infinite possibilities for streamlining and coordination of work. At the core though, Navgar app is a communication tool and we enable the right conversations about work to take place in the context in which it is being performed. Let's take a closer look at each of these features in more detail.

Task Management: Our software's task management feature allows you to create and assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track their progress. You can organize tasks by status, by project, who assigned them (and maintain a pulse on all tasks you’ve assigned others), or by method of entry, making it easier to keep track of what needs to be done and where it came from. You can also chat with collaborators and add attachments to tasks, making it easy to be syncopated with your team and keep everyone on the same page.

Projects: Besides the ad-hoc or random tasks (wasn’t that an Austin Powers character?) that fill our days, often collaborative work needs to be organized towards a common end objective. Navgar’s Project feature allows you to create projects and organize tasks within them for yourself only, private among the members you choose to include, or you can set your projects as open to your entire organization. 

Flows: By far my favorite feature of Navgar is our Flow module. In the research phase of our development, I personally tested many workflow builders across industries and found nearly all to be, in all honesty and candor, awful. Navgar’s Flow module allows you to create a template and sequence tasks properly assigned to those who will perform them, optionally include subflows, and email tasks, and even schedule flows. The Navgar Flow module is especially useful if you have a series of tasks that need to be completed in a specific order, as you can create a flow that automates the process, freeing up time and resources until they are needed. You can also schedule flows to run at specific times, making it easier to manage your workload and stay on top of tasks. For routine operations, regardless of cadence, it is already making a huge impact for us as we grow our business.

Chat: As I wrote earlier, Navgar is first and foremost a communication tool for work. For every task in the system, there is the possibility of conversation pertinent to the work as it happens. Raising questions, providing status updates, clarifying intentions, celebrating a milestone, or squawking about being blocked - it’s all there and it’s contextual by channel. 

To quickly recap, Navgar is: A comprehensive tool that provides everything you need to manage tasks, projects, and workflows and the communication needed for all of them. Whether you're a small business or a large organization, Navgar can help you stay organized and on top of your tasks. Try it today and see how it can transform the way you work and tame the chaos.


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